Cruelty EP

By Ed

cruelty band picture w logo


Birminghams Cruelty now have an EP out I spoke to Gareth about how things are going etc heres a little band bio by Gareth.

We’re a hardcore band from the UK. Take a lot of influence from old Converge, All Out War etc. but hopefully have our own sound. Never went out to write in a single style aside from wanting it to be full on.
Recorded it with Ian Boult at Stuck On A Name studios (Basement, Repentance etc.) and Brad at Audiosiege has mastered it.
This EP is defiantly reminiscent of a couple of UKHC bands sound of the early – Mid 00’s
For me its super cool that there is new stuff coming out of brum in 2018 go buy it.
crulity ep



Filed under UKHC, Uncategorized

2 responses to “Cruelty EP

  1. Thott McNullty

    I’m listening to yall shit right now shit fire

  2. Thott McNullty

    I like that you guys throw really fast parts in your stuff too, good mix of fast and slow and weird. definitely gonna be jamming this at work tonight and over the next week. yall got a facebook or anything?

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