Human Furnace: Ringworm

By Ed


Something a bit diffrent interview wise form me but I’m a very big fan of Ringworm.

So not much to say, but heres an interview I did with Human Furnace a couple of weeks ago.

Photography by



Ms. Shella Photography

DR: First up introduce yourself, and tell us who’s in the current line up of RW?

HF- vocals Matt / Sorg- Guitar / Ed Stephens- Bass / Danny Zink- Drums

DR: Can you give us a bit of RW backstory?

HF: RINGWORM started in 1989, first demo in 1990. First full length “The Promise” was released in 1993. Since then we’ve released 5 full length albums and countless 7 inch records and splits and comps.


DR: You have been playing a few shows I’ve noticed recently- how’s that been? And who have been some of the other bands on the bills?

HF: Shows have been amazing. The response to the new record has been nothing short of incredible. We’ve been able to tour with some excellent bands. Eyehategod, Enabler, Death Before Dishonor, Killswitch Engage, and many more. Over the years we have played with so many acts I can’t even name them all. Including Hatebreed, Kreator, Accept, All Out War, Converge, Entombed…..

DR: I’ve Always been a fan of different sounding HC or Metal. how would you describe RW’s Sound/Style? And has it changed much over the years?

HF: I have always thought of us a “cross-over” band, as we have always integrated all types of different influences into our sound. From early thrash, early death metal, punk rock and early hardcore. I think its a perfect blend of many things.


DR: Are you working on or have any new material out at present?

HF: Our new record HAMMER OF THE WITCH just dropped a couple a couple months ago on RELAPSE RECORDS. We’ll probably start messing around with new material in a few months.


DR: you released 4 Records on Victory and now you are on relapse. You also put some stuff out on Deathwish right? How do they differ to work with?

HF: We never really felt at home at Victory Records. They seemed to have a different agenda witht he type of bands they were putting out and we never really fit in. Where as Relapse is a much more fitting label for us and their audience is a much more metal. And thats the type of people that need to start hearing our music. We think they would find many things in common with what we do. The term “hardcore” band doesn’t necessarily totally apply to us. Deathwish and A-389 over the years have been really awesome to work with as well. Although both labels are predominately “hardcore” they have a good idea the type of areas to really push our music to.


DR: What bands do you guys like to play with or have kind of bounded with over the years?

HF: Lately we have been out with a lot of traditional metal bands, which has been excellent for us, as we are basically a new band for many that come to the shows. People are discovering us for the first time. We always seem to have a great time with bands that really have the same mindset, and attitude about being in a band as we do, regardless of their style of music. We like to have fun, we’re older dudes so its always nice tone out with guys/girls who get what we’re into.

DR: you have some pretty cool and unique artwork on your records etc, tell us a little bit about who’s behind some of it and where the ideas stem from?

HF: The last record HAMMER OF THE WITCH was drawn by me. We’ve always used a lot of occult imagery in all of our bands artwork. I have a big interest in the occult. Most of our lyrics are engulfed in the occult, sometimes subtle sometimes blatant.


DR: Who were some of RW’s early influences?

Well, we came up at a time when everything was young and we wanted to incorporate all the things we loved into what we did. Slayer, Crumbsuckers, COC, DRI, AF, Cro-Mags, Kreator, Exploited, Terrorizer, Morbid Angel, Early skate rock, etc.


DR: Do any of you have any other side projects or main bands?

HF: Yes. Myself and Ed have rock band called GLUTTONS. We are almost finished with our first full length. It’s very Motothead-ish, Hellacopters,… Heavy rock and roll vibe. I also have another band called HOLYGHOST which is more on the early neurosis, voivod, godflesh vibe. Expect a new record from that band this year or early next year. I also have another band that is mostly acoustic, very soft sounding called The Night Drive.

DR: What bands are you guys personally listening to right now?

HF: Right now, I’ve been listening to the new Beastmilk record, Gravenhurst, Foo Fighters and of course Godflesh, Voivod, and Trouble


DR: What do your tour plans look like in 2014?

HF: By the end of 2014 we will have been around the US 2-3 times, Europe, Australia, NZ and everywhere else as time will allow us. It’s a very busy year for the Worm


DR: Anything you would like to add?

HF: Just want people to check out the new record HAMMER OF THE WITCH and definitely come out to see us play live. We’re a band that delivers. Thanks for the interview!


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Filed under Deathwish Records, Human Furnace, Integrity, Ringworm, Victory Records

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